Friday, September 23, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award & Apple Planning

Mrs. Morris at Simply 2nd Resources has given me the "Versatile Blogger Award!" I am thankful, honored, and excited that someone else thinks I deserve ANOTHER award! :)

And not to toot my own horn or anything, but I do think I have a pretty Versatile Blog :) Does anyone know where this award originated from?

So today as I was filling in behavior calendars I realized something. We are 1 week away from October. ALREADY?! I am actually looking forward to Fall--officially here today, but I just wish it felt like it!

I've started planning for our apples weeks. I don't think I have enough time to fit in all the activities that I want to do! I could probably spend 1 month on each, apples, pumpkins, monsters, and fall! I love it all & all the fun activities that there are to go along with it!

I am sending home Jennifer's apple glyph with my students to complete with their families. This is the first time I've done a glyph project, but I love sending home activities for the students to do with their families. I hope I get a good response! :)

What's your favorite apple/fall activity to do with your students?!


  1. I love your I've nominated you for the "I Heart Your Blog" Award! Thank you so much for inspiring me in my teaching. Please visit my blog to accept your award.


  2. I just found your blog through Pinterest and it is adorable! I just had an All About Apples Linky Party if you want to take a look at some of the ideas I found and some that were submitted.

    All About Apples Linky Party

    Lil' Country Kindergarten

  3. Thanks Anita for the award! And Mariana--I love that idea of doing linky parties for different themes I will definitely be checking that out & becoming a blog follower of yours (if blogger is even showing your followers--ugh that frustrates me!)

    And Jennifer-- there is a teacher at my school who sends home glyph projects all the time. I asked for her expertise on whether she sends all materials home, or what. I'm hoping a lot of families participate! :)


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