Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's in Your School Bag?

I love Abby's idea for a Linky Party "What's in your school bag?" over at The Inspired Apple. How fun! And plus, I don't think there is a teacher out there who doesn't love a great, cute, and functional school tote.

I wanted so badly to link up last night BUT I was really not feeling well. There are all kinds of germies moving about our school already and sure enough I've picked up something. (Thankfully I wasn't in the cafeteria today when a child puked...) I'm still feeling under the weather, but I think I can pull together the energy to take a few photos if I made it through the school day :)

My school bag progression reminds me a lot of Abby's (and Goldilocks & the 3 Bears...)

My first tote was this ADORABLE bag my co-op teachers made for me while student teaching with all of the kiddos hand prints. They also gave me a matching apron.

I love the bag, it's nice and tall, but just not wide enough.

My second tote was my Herve Chapelier tote from college. This bag comes in great colors and the material is very durable.

I love this bag too, it's nice and wide, but just not tall enough.

Are you seeing the Goldilocks problem here? That's when I decided on this bag, and it's a winner! I bought this as a Christmas Gift to myself last December and I'm still using it! I love 31 bags, but this one is the winner for me for my school bag. It's wide & tall. Seriously, you should see just how much I can stuff in there!

Right now, here's the inside. It's not too full tonight. I try to think realistically when I bring my bag home on weeknights. What will I REALLY do tonight? And usually I don't even do all of what I bring...

1. my planner
2. notebook paper
3. blog photo pemission
4. lesson plan book
5. cough drops
6. book for my grad class
7. a page from my "buses" theme section in my organization binders mentioned here
8. oriental trading mag
9. last years planner
10. folder for grad class
11. manila envelope with budget ordering info from last year--yeah, that's been there a while
12. DJ Inkers critter craze (I've been meaning to call the company beause about 1/3rd of the graphics are coming up all black. Has this happened to anyone else?!)
13. Special Education Rights
14. folder with masters info

15. story telling CD borrowed from co-worker last year (I should probably get around to burning that and returning it...
16. page dividers. idk why
17. gift certificate to a coffee shop
18. half empty marker pack
19. scholastic book order form
20. pens, pencil, misc.
21. paint chips. you know, for when the sudden urge to create this overcomes me...

I also have what Kristen at the Teeny Tiny Teacher ever so creatively named a "Nerd Cart". The nerd cart comes home on the weekend usually, especially if I had a lot of IEP work, BUT I have a problem with my nerd cart too! Either way I enter the house there are stairs and I end up carry this HEAVY thing by it's top handle. redic. I'm currently in the market for a 31 large utility tote to replace my nerd cart. I think it will fulfill that purpose nicely!

If you join the party, leave a comment saying so! I'd LOVE to be nosy and look inside your teacher bag too!


  1. Your bag is super cute! I love the pattern. I have a "nerd cart" too but I usually only end up using it if my class gets kicked out of our room for whatever reason {it seems to happen often.}
    *I've joined the party too.

  2. color me coral is one of my fave patterns!!!

  3. Hey there Goldilocks haha, CUTE bag! I am late to Abby's party, here is my bag

  4. Ha! Love that pic:) Looks like all the one's of my boys, minus the cute backpack of course.
    Your sewing skills never cease to amaze me!

    camouflage backpack
    camouflage duffel bag
    camouflage flask
    camouflage knives
    camouflage tote bag


  5. This is really awesome and beautiful.
    Thank for this sharing.
    Personalized bags for kids


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