Oh, and then there was studying for a test for my class, taking said test, hauling teacher stuff out of the attic and into the car, which is now packed to the brim (again) to head in for Day 3.
When I arrived this morning I snapped photos. If you compare these photos to Day 1 you'll be able to tell what progress was made on Day 1.
As I mentioned in my last post, I was pretty pleased with how far I made it during day 1.
I got some furniture situated at the end of day 1 and decided this was going to be where I set up my work box system. The shelving I have this go around is nothing like what I was spoiled with in years past, but I'm up for the challenge!
Still not 100% on what I'm going to be using that piece in the middle for with the squares on top. For right now it's great for breaking up that space and not having any wide open areas to urge students to run.
I have my desk over closer to the smartboard than I have in the past. There are a lot of cords and cables that run from it to the computer. It made sense to me to have them close together to avoid the risk of a cord being grabbed, etc.
Quick and easy, but looks like more progress! I opened up boxes of bins I ordered from Walmart and placed them in the cubbies-- also made me realize that I had more colors of them that didn't make it on the first car load.
Another shot over by the smartboard. That large tent is obviously not staying there. That was a $12 clearance find at Target last fall and I never opened it. I'm glad I didn't because there's no way that tent would have fit in my previous classroom. It's so much bigger than I expected!
Basically just a pile of stuff from my first car trip. So much to organize so for right now it just gets dumped. Still working on room layout and figuring out my centers.
And last but not least, a comparative shot on what the closet looked like after I went through it! I did find a lot of goodies to hang on to, but for the most part am passing materials on. I'm happy to be starting with this much free space in the storage closet because trust me. I have a ton more stuff to bring in!
My goals today for Day 2 were to:
1. Unload the car
2. Finish bulletin boards
3. Finalize furniture placement
I managed to accomplish the first 2, but the furniture placement is still a huge work in progress. We had a meeting discussing some components of the APERS rating scale for our classrooms so there are some areas I need to make sure that I include. As a result I'm on a quest for additional furniture pieces. Maybe by Friday we can have furniture arrangement complete?!
I just found out today, after being told I didn't need to attend, that I do in fact have to attend new employee orientation. I'm super salty about it. So my Day 3 goals are most likely just going to include snapping some photos for you first thing and unloading the car.
Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll again decide that there is no need for me to attend :)

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