Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teacher Week- Day 2 & My Sewing Project

Technology Tip Tuesday

Okay, so I have pretty much been trying to think all day long about the best technology tip I have to share with you. One that maybe hasn't already been posted 100 times. I'll probably repeat. I'm sorry.

1. USE POWERPOINT. Seriously. I can't stress this enough. I get asked all the time what program I use to make things with & I think people are shocked to learn it's Powerpoint. I learned this the hard way. I used to basically pull my hair out over trying to position something in a word document. Powerpoint makes your life so much easier. I'm actually in the process of moving all items I created in a word document to Powerpoint so that I can edit them easily when necessary!

2. PIXLR EXPRESS. I love this site. I used to be a devoted Picnik user for editing pictures, like cropping and adding frames, but then they shut down. Pixlr express is now my new favorite site to do this on!

3. SAVE AS PICTURES. When making something with Powerpoint, always click File- Save as pictures.. this will save each slide as a .jpg and makes your life so much easier to create previews of a unit, or upload images to TpT & TN.

4. PicFrame & Label Box. These are 2 apps on my iphone that I use all.the.time. to put pictures together [like the one below] I definitely suggest purchasing them! 
Label Box

Now, my sewing project I shared with you yesterday...


I've had that ugly fabric, cut with scissors and safety pinned around a tension rod up for 2 years. 2 YEARS, folks. That's a long time! My mom is basically a sewing ninja, but I don't like to bother her to do this stuff for me. I am so excited that I have my own sewing machine and tackled my own project!

It's obviously too long, I guess I rounded up my measuring without realizing. I can still cut and hem it again though so no worries! I'm pretty proud of myself!


  1. I am checking out the Label Box app right now! :-) Thanks!!! Your desk looks great! :-)

  2. i must say lovely post..Great decoration done by students.. PowerPoint presentation is also remarkable..It shows creativity of students and dedication towards their teachers..


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