Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Teacher Week- Day 3

Where I Teach Wednesday

It's where I teach Wednesday--probably my favorite day, because I have an obsession with looking into other peoples classrooms. Really. I have to scope out like everyone's classroom at my own school.

We all always share photos of our classrooms, but do we ever share the states we teach in?! I teach in Delaware--20 minutes north of the beach area. I live at the beach, so the commute to work isn't too bad. I only know of 2 DE teacher bloggers out there-- Kinderglynn & Third Grade in the First State. Are there any more of you in blogland?!

Now...on to what you came here for; pictures! 

Entry!! I decorate the inside of my door (as shown) because I'm not a door closer. My door is always open, so if I decorate the outside of the door, you'll never see it! If you're counting kites, yes I only have 10 11 students. I just had one more added today, but I haven't made his kite yet. It's going to be weird to go from 24 students & 19 IEPs to 11 students and 9 IEPs, but these IEPs & students are MUCH more involved.

Here's a step into the door. If you saw my classroom photos from last year, you might notice that something is missing. Our lofts. *moment of silence* We were told 20 minutes before leaving for our summer vacations that our lofts were unsafe & did not meet building code and had to be removed. Our principle fought hard for us, but didn't win :(

Here is the cubby area. this is too your right when you walk in the door. Immediately next to my right in this photo is a storage closet. I love my storage closet. It's jammed full already!

Turn to the left from the previous photo and this is the view you have. My book shelf [moved from last year], the drying rack [cause that's important to point out...], and part of the block area. I'm really wishing I had gotten around to fixing my letters before I got put in a boot. I don't think this boot & a ladder would mix well...

Carpet area. Keeping things simple this year, so my calendar board includes a calendar and our job charts. I have 3 rule posters that go here too, but another teacher was copying them. To the back of this photo is our writing area. 

Here is the view from standing on the shape rug. The toy area and the house area. I decided to display our "curriculum posters" on the back wall. With the loft gone that wall was pretty empty.

Here is more of my storage, our sink, and the bathroom is back there too. We will use this area for breakfast [yes, in the classroom], table time [during arrival], art area, snack, etc. Lots of things! 

Desk area. My para's desk, and then my desk with the computer on it. The small table with toys is where we store our "table time" items when we are not using them. I change these items bi-weekly.  The pillow at the bottom left are from our book area.

I thought I was in love with my classroom last year, but I am IN LOVE with my classroom so much more this year! I decided to change my theme from ocean with blue, orange, and green to sun & clouds with blue and yellow. Somehow green found it's way into the theme too. I think the curtains and baskets had something to do with it. And I LOVE my hanging lanterns! You can get a 3 pack for $7.99 at Hobby Lobby! I really wanted blue instead of orange, but they only had one pack left that looked like it was bought, used in the sun and the rain, and then returned. So orange it was.

K-12 comes back to school on Monday, but our Early Childhood kiddos don't start until September 10th, so I've got some time to finish up loose ends. I have lots of little details to share with you--but those are for another post! :)

If you are actually still reading at this point, make sure you head over to Blog Hoppin to link up today!


  1. Your room looks spectacular! And I spy the "where are we" board! hehe! How did you make that adorable "back to top" button?!

  2. Kinder-Craze shared a tutorial on how to do it! You can find it here...

  3. I LOVE those letters! So cute! :) Are they the cardboard ones from JoAnns or Hobby Lobby?

    Kindergarten Korner

  4. Hi Erin, I love your bright and cheery classroom. All of my boards are yellow too. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower!


  5. Sarah--yes! I bought mine at JoAnns and then painted them the summer before my first year teaching!

  6. Your room is adorable! I'm so happy I found your blog through Blog Hoppin'. My blog is written by a special ed and general ed teacher. Feel free to stop by!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  7. Love the giant ABC letters you have above your smart board. ADORABLE!

  8. I love your room!! I went to college in Delaware... but I am in NJ :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  9. I must have those letters! I'm thinking mod-podge and scrapbook paper, hmmm.. I see a project in my future. What do the three Boardmaker posters say on your door??

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  10. Your room is adorable:) I can't wait to finish mine!
    I'm curious though about why you have 11 students but only 9 IEPs? I did a long term in an ECSE classroom before receiving my job now and we had 22 students with 22 IEPs.



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