Saturday, August 31, 2013

Art Skills Giveaway!

Have you ever heard of Art Skills products? They make amazing products at amazing prices! This year they have launched their brand new Learn, Motivate, Reward line available exclusively at Dollar General Stores!

Having won one of their giveaways when I first started blogging, I was so excited when they contacted me about doing a giveaway myself! I just knew it would include great products.

The goodies are here! One package for me, and one for me to give away to you! Let's see what's inside!

Seriously, everything in this picture could be yours. FOR FREE! The package ranges in anything from decor, to learning materials, to rewards and incentives. I love the lacing cards and puzzle cards--how perfect for some early finishers tubs in your classroom maybe?

And the eye spy spinner--in the back left corner-- how perfect for large group games, small group games, or hello- use with your own littles on a car ride! 

I can't wait to use the artists work frames, and I can add those erasers and some of the stickers to my treasure box. Perfect rewards! 

AND I have to point out the scratch off incentive cards! So fun!

And the daily planner for the week- I could totally use that for myself over by my desk! Or use one to display what days of the week you have which specials. 

You can enter to win ALL.OF.THIS.STUFF. by entering the rafflecopter below! I tried to make the entries easy, and don't forget to share with your friends!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I already have some of these items that I purchased in decorating my room for back to school. They have some very versatile items, not just decorations. I keep checking to see if they've added anything to their line.

    Donna Williams

  2. Thank you for the giveaway...and for making it easy to enter!!! :)

  3. OK Frustrated b/c Facebook will not let me "like ArtSkills or dollargeneral.

    I used to like them and facebook removed all my "likes." and seems has blocked me.

    They seem to think 4-5 likes a month is too many as I spent the summer adding to my following for new ideas for my new grade levels.

  4. Super excited about this!
    I'm with Andrea, thank you so much for making this giveaway, an easy one.

  5. what a lovely giveaway. thank you for the giveaway . we love dollar generaland shop there frequently .


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