Sunday, August 25, 2013

New Facebook Fan Freebie

Well, I went back to work officially this week--if you hadn't already noticed from my lack of blog posts and facebook updates! Shew. It was only our PD days and I'm pooped.

Kindergarten starts on Monday and I am assigned to helping out in a kindergarten classroom for the first 2 weeks of school. Then on September 9th my pre-schoolers start!

My classroom is almost completely set up. Of course there will be a photo post to share once it is.

In the meantime, to make up for my lack of attention to my blog and my followers, I've added a new facebook fan freebie. Remember, you MUST be a fan of facebook page to download this file! 

Click on the image to go to my facebook page and become a fan if you aren't one already!

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