Sunday, August 24, 2014

Save the Dramatic Play {Part 2}

If you missed {part 1} of this post, you can catch up {here}. Once you are all caught up, come back and join me for {part 2}!

Back? Okay, good, glad to have you! Now that are you are all up to speed, you see that the first thing on my project to do list is to tackle the space. Do I re-arrange, reduce the amount of furniture, bring in new shelving? We'll let's start with some current photos.

Here is how my dramatic play center is currently set up for summer school. When I first "staged it" it looked a little better, but once the kids start playing, I usually don't re-stage. It becomes their space. They clean it up at clean up time (with some help of course) and my biggest thing is that they are cleaning. If they don't put the beach towels back exactly where my OCD self had them to start, I let it slide. Just as long as it's close enough.

As you can see we have a "BBQ/Beach" with a fun grill, hot dogs and burgers, beach towels, sun glasses, pretend cameras, and even sun screen!

I often feel like I'm trying to squeeze way too much into this space. It's a relatively large dramatic play area, but there is a lot and I have limited storage space for things like the baby bed, rocking chair, and high chair when we aren't using the babies.

So the first thoughts on re-arranging this... closet. GET. RID. OF. IT. I've had this thing since I inherited this classroom 4 years ago. The door at the bottom has always had a missing hinge. I finally ended up taping it shut. We do use it to hang costumes, but the kids ALWAYS need help with the hangers and for some of them, they can't reach the rod to even hang them. The other down side-- the kids want to hide in it! We spend a lot of time reinforcing the fact that we DO NOT sit in the closet. At least 2-3 children end up in the thinking chair throughout the course of the year for this. Sorry closet, you're getting the boot.

Next on the list, this table. The table is clearly a listening table. 2 or 3 years ago every teacher got one of these for our classroom.s And they are awesome-- when they are used as intended. For a listening table it's great. (Minus the bolts loosening pretty easily and the table becoming wobbly and needing to be tightened) I don't have a listening center, nor do I have anywhere to store this table. So it became our table for dramatic play, but honestly, it's way too big. And I want to open a listening center. Buh-bye over sized table.

We went back to school last Tuesday and I got my room re-arranged the way I wanted it too. I love that I was able to create a listening center and re-work my dramatic play. I'll be back with {Part 3} once the new dramatic play center is completely up and running....we aren't there yet! 


Love, Luck and Laughter said...

I love that you are writing about dramatic play! We use a 3-drawer Sterilite unit for our play clothes. It's easy for them to clean up! I tried labeling the drawers to help them sort the shoes(bottom drawer only), but most of the time that doesn't work. Love that grill by the way!

Bumblebees R Us Day Care Center said...

Well it really takes the most creative minds to be able to come up with these ideas. I admire how you manage to easily transform your space. It seems you have everything set. By the way, I agree about the closet getting removed.

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