Saturday, December 06, 2014

December Count the Room

I'm late on posting this (as usual I know). The December addition to my Write the Room Bundle is added and the whole bundle is FINALLY completed! Selling an unfinished bundle comes with A LOT of pressure let me tell you. Thankfully you guys rock and never bullied me when I was late on getting a month posted.

And a huge thanks to a lovely Facebook fan for the suggestion for this month's game. Counting tally marks! As soon as I read her comment, the idea of how to set it up came to my mind immediately. See-- you better be a Facebook fan! That's where I go when I'm stumped. If you're not, just click the tab to the right over there.

For December's count the room you're going to hide cards around the classroom with tallies on them. You'll want to hide cards that match up with the recording sheet that you are using. Different recording sheets have different numbers on them.

When a student finds a card with tallies on it, they count them, then look for an ornament on the tree of their recording sheet with that number, and color it in. When the student has found all of the cards around the room each of the ornaments on their tree should be colored in. Each recording sheet has 10 ornaments on it.

I wish I had some sample photos for you, but when my MAC pretty much forced me into updating -- if I wanted to use my new iPhone 6 (which I did), it didn't re-install the technical stuff for my printer. And since I've had my printer since my freshman year of college (yes it still works) I have lost the CDs to install the technical stuff, and therefore am currently printer-less at home. We are in the market for a printer, for obvious reasons, so I'll gladly take any suggestion you have!

If you're interest in this, clicke {here} to go to my TpT store!


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