As teachers I'm fairly certain that we think all of our ideas are wonderful ideas so this will be challenging to narrow it down. What is something that is unique, maybe never heard of, and super helpful in the classroom? Decisions, decisions.
I really wish I had actual classroom photos of this idea to share with you. I think it's such a wonderful idea I really don't understand why I just don't have pictures of this on hand. (I probably do and don't know it)
I tried to make a graphic of what it looks like above. That gray line being my imaginary Velcro. When I added this to our classroom it made our lives easier. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the ring of cards with various prompts if those work for you. Personally, I feel time is lost looking for the correct prompt. I prefer to go Velcro crazy around my classroom!
Do you have a WONDERFUL idea to share with us? Join in on the linky party! Head over to the Freebielicious blog for more great ideas-- just in time for back to school!

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