Friday, August 24, 2012

Teacher Week- Day 5 [FREEBIES]

Freebie Friday! YES! FREEBIES! We all love Freebies!

I've already been checking out all the link ups to the party and have found some great freebie items! I had to finish mine up before I should share it! :) I've seen these all over Pinterest, but every time I click a link to them, they don't see to be completed, or are not in a format that I like. SO I made my own!

Environmental Print Book

Click here to head over to TpT and download this book for free! 

Enjoy Freebie Friday & be sure to link up at Blog Hoppin if you have a freebie to share today!


primary practice said...

Erin, I've seen those environmental print ideas on Pinterest, too! LOVE this book-thanks for the download!

primary practice

Mrs. Wheeler said...

Love this! I also was wanting a book like this, but they were on Scribd or you had to buy them. Thanks!!!

Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler TpT

kinderpond said...

Love this! Fabulous!!!


Unknown said...

I've been meaning to make something similar - you saved me the time :)

- Sasha
The Autism Helper

Emily said...

LOVE this! Downloading, printing, laminating and binding for my kiddos! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Is this still available? I couldn't find it on tpt! I'd love this if you can point me in the right direction!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I've been looking for something like this on TPT, that would be easy for my little guys to understnad. Is it still available I cannot seem to find it.

LightlyBentHalo said...

I'm also unable to find it. Could anyone email me a copy?

Anonymous said...

I had downloaded your Environmental Print Book a few years ago, but cannot locate it in TpT. Can you let me know if it would be possible to get another copy of it?

Shawnie said...

Hi, I wasn't able to find the download for the environmental print book. Can you email it to me at Thanks!

Beth said...

I am also unable to find it. Thanks-

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