"Nesting instinct" is the urge in those pregnant to prepare their home for a baby. I'm bringing attention to what I'm now calling back to school nesting. I've come to realize that I continually do this prior to returning to school after summer break, and even after winter and spring breaks too.
I've had roughly 3 months to tackle just about any project I wanted to take on around the home. Sure I thought of things that needed to be done all the time, but generally found something else to devote my time and attention to instead. Most often neglecting chores that I surely should not have. i.e. weeding, trimming shrubs, anything of the sort.
Now that my summer vacation days have dwindled to single digits {by the time of publishing I've been back to work for 2 days!} I feel like I'm doing every house chore that should have or could have been done over the span of 3 months. I'm preparing my home so I can go back to work = back to school nesting.
I spent 4 hours weeding the flower beds and down our driveway the other day. I've trimmed every shrub that has a stray branch--if I can reach it. I'm hanging picture frames so I can stop staring at them propped against the walls in mini piles. I've sprayed our windows and foundation with spider stuff so that it doesn't look like we're decorating early for Halloween. The list goes on.
The final weekend before heading back to work officially I restocked the fridge and cabinets until I didn't think anything else was going to fit and I pulled out my "7 Days a Week" notepad for meal planning.
I've scheduled facebook posts for my page for the rest of the week and even into September and worked on trying to get several blog posts written and scheduled.
The kitchen's clean, the mail pile has been sorted, there's still some laundry to fold but I think I'm ready. Year #8, here I come!
Can anyone else relate to this feeling or is it just me?

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